Hieronymus Bosch: Universal Disorder

The often bizarre paintings by Hieronymus Bosch depict stories of temptation, sin and accountability, set in a world that is both recognizable and fantastical at the same time. As a metaphor of our lives they cover themes which are worryingly still relevant today. Influenced by Devotio Moderna, Bosch believed people should take responsibility for their own lives and those of others. With so many details to discover and decipher, the paintings seem both about watching and being watched (by God). Time to have a proper look!

Please, note:

  • the total duration of the event is 1 hour ( ~ 50mins lecture and 10mins Q&A)
  • the talk doesn’t require any prior training and anyone can join
  • This event will be recorded: the video will be available in 3-5 days after the talk
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Mariska Beekenkamp-Wladimiroff
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Originally schooled as a psychologist in the Netherlands, Mariska Beekenkamp-Wladimiroff turned to the arts when starting a family in London. Specialising in the Dutch Golden Age of Art at the Courtauld Institute of Art, Mariska now delivers talks for a number of organisations, including her own company Art Historical London. Art Historical London offers art historical lectures, museum visits, courses, tours, travel and events from Amsterdam, London and New York, and since 2020 online. 

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