Exploring Global Feminism

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In this hour-long session we will be looking at feminism through a global, decolonised lens. If the current political landscape looks blurred and you’re unsure of your footing when it comes to the ever expanding world of gender theory, this is a good place to start. As feminism and feminist theory becomes ever more popular, relevant and fractured it can be uneasy knowing how best to crest current feminist waves. Join us as we journey through (a brief) history of concepts across the world and contextualise theory, action and aims of feminist thinkers, scholars and activists. Consider this a crash-course in hooks, Mohanti, Davies, Federici and Butler, and if you’ve no clue who any of them are, definitely join us for an evening of entertaining enlightenment.



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SKU: Exploring Global Feminism Categories: Global debates, Identity


Speaker: Jordana Belaiche

Jordana Belaiche is a writer, director and dramaturg based in London. Her work centres on class and gender, she has a love of folklore, witchcraft and the occult and is well versed in all things uncanny. She is the author of two full length plays and several short stories.

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