The Great Divide: Eastern and Western Philosophy

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Early philosophies have had a profound impact on the development of the distinctive cultures across the world. Assumptions about the nature of self, ethics, the goals of life are deeply embedded in our cultures and frame our thinking without our being aware of them. To travel around the world’s philosophies is an opportunity to challenge the beliefs and ways of thinking we take for granted. By gaining greater knowledge of how others think, we can become less certain of the knowledge we think we have, which is always the first step to greater understanding.

Join our online event where Dr Julian Baggini will discuss the most fundamental concepts of Eastern and Western philosophies and learn how ideas of self and others affect our life views, perceptions and decisions.


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SKU: The Great Divide: Eastern and Western Philosophy Categories: Identity, Philosophy and spirituality


Speaker: Julian Baggini

Dr Julian Baggini is the author, co-author or editor of over 20 books including The Virtue of the Table, The Ego Trick, How the World Think sand, most recently, The Godless Gospel. He was the founding editor of The Philosophers’ Magazine and has written for numerous newspapers and magazines, as well as for the think tanks The Institute of Public Policy Research, Demos and Counterpoint. He is Academic Director of the Royal institute of Philosophy and an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Kent. His website is

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