Japanese Calligraphy: ‘match’

This is a series of workshops designed by Azumi Uchitani to explore Japanese culture through the art of calligraphy and language. We will meet bi-weekly, slowly moving from season to season and uncovering new characters, rituals, concepts and beliefs deeply rooted in Japanese lifestyle. Each event we will centre around a new symbol: we will learn its meaning, discuss a poem about it, meditate and experience the power of the concept through calligraphy practice.

Match:    試合

We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming Japanese Calligraphy workshop, where we’ll explore the concept of 試合 (Shiai), meaning “match” or “game.” Often used in the context of sports or martial arts, Shiai refers to a competitive event where participants test their skills and spirit. In this session, we’ll discuss the cultural significance of Shiai in Japan and how competition fosters growth and resilience. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice making this powerful kanji with ink and brushes, using traditional Japanese calligraphy techniques. Join us for an immersive experience combining art and culture!

This event is exclusively for LEVEL members. You can become a member, or alternatively, purchase a trial ticket below.




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Azumi Uchitani is a visionary artist, writer, and teacher at the intersection of art, culture, philosophy, and business, offering unique insights and creative expressions to a global audience. Her mission is to bring Japanese ancient wisdom to the west, channelling lifeforce energy to create harmony and peace through art, writing, performance, and teaching. A two-time TEDx speaker, Azumi captivates audiences worldwide as a public speaker and teacher. Her artworks are exhibited in New York and held in corporate and private collections. Azumi’s book is due to be published in summer 2025. 

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