TED Circles Discussion: Imagination

LEVEL hosts monthly TED Circles and wants to invite you to our next conversation focused on the theme of Imagination!

What is TED Circles?

TED empowers small communities to get together (Circles), explore materials focusing on a specific monthly theme and discuss them together. It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to engage with a new topic and to challenge yourself to different views and opinions.

Our next event will be centred around September theme: ‘IMAGINATION’ and based on this TED talk by Theaster Gates. Among other aspects of the talk, we will discuss:

– is culture the best tool to shape neighbourhoods?

– why do we appeal to beauty when we seek for a transformation?

– what are the best examples of community hubs and why?

– will they stay the same in the future?

– …

Please, register to this event and we will send you more details, additional materials and Zoom link via email closer to the event date.

If you have any questions, please, feel free to reach out.


At LEVEL we offer curated weekly art and culture talks with the aim to expand our cultural and emotional intelligence through art.

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