The Value of Art: Does Storytelling Have a Price?

The Value of Art: Does Storytelling Have a Price?

In this talk we will discuss stories which have a power to change a price tag of an artwork considerably. From fascinating examples showing how art provenance can impact the value of art to stories about forgeries explaining why we value original painting so much more than even a masterfully done copy.

This is an interactive talk! We will have about 45 mins lecture and then we will spend time discussing the subject and answering your questions. You can ask anything about art collections, art value/ price, art market in general etc. Look forward to this conversation with you!

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Bojana Popovic, ar historian, advisor and educator
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Upon completing her Masters in Curating at The Courtauld Institute of Art, Bojana worked at TATE Britain and The Serpentine Galleries before seeking experience in the private art sector. For a few years she worked for private art galleries in Zurich and Paris before moving to the leading auction house, Christie’s, in London. During her four years at Christie’s she worked as a Specialist in the Post-War and Contemporary Art department where she also led art history lectures in collaboration with Christie’s Education’s MA programme. Since then, Bojana has been working as a freelance art consultant, Art History lecturer and writer.

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