In this talk, we’ll discuss idols as fictional characters, celebrities and public figures behind important political and social moments, from Hollywood’s #metoo all the way to Iran’s woman, life, freedom movement.
Video Category: Global debates
From Childhood to Adulthood – the Long Shadow of Where You Grow Up
In this talk, we’ll discuss how neighbourhoods where people grow up can leave an indelible mark on their life’s journey.
Childhood on Screen: Exploring Allegories in Iranian and World Cinema
In this talk, we look at the number of ways in which filmmakers from all over the world use the child figure to explore society and culture.
From Giggles to Insight: Comedy’s Role in Tackling Tough Topics
From Giggles to Insight: Comedy’s Role in Tackling Tough Topics
Signs, Symbols and Cinema: Iran after 1979
We will discuss how under censorship filmmakers in Iran have turned to visuals, symbols, and signs to bring their message and stories to the screen.
What do we owe to future generations?
The choices and actions of the current generation will reverberate through the lives of future generations. Should we factor future generations into our decision-making?
Educating the Future: Black Mountain CollegeÂ
This talk introduces Black Mountain College, its educational philosophies and how it intended to shape the future of art and learning. We will look at the core of the school’s curriculum specifically focusing on the art and pedagogical work of the school’s first art teachers Anni and Josef Albers.
The future of work – is paid work inevitable?
The idea of a universal income has gained traction as a way to provide individuals with a financial safety net but not always to free them from the necessity of traditional employment.
Sex in the Event of Happiness
This talk draws on the work of Lauren Berlant (1957-2021), a leading theorist of sexuality, politics, and culture, to think about the place of sex and the erotic in contemporary culture.
By a Thread. The Ambiguous Ways in which Fashion Advances Social Justice
This talk investigates jointly three series of fashion productions that resonate with three series of artworks. It draws the thin line between tribute, activism and emancipation on the one hand, and human rights washing, cultural appropriation and disrespect for victims, on the other hand.