The History of the Vibrator – from Medical Device to Taboo Sex Toy

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The British physician Joseph Mortimer Granville invented what we today know to be the first electric vibrator, the so-called “percuteur” in the early 1880’s.

In the beginning it was nothing but a purpose build medical tool used on men to stimulate ailing nerves and muscle aches. Doctor Granville believed that the electromechanical vibrations from the percuteur would relieve any type of muscle related pain. Shortly after Granville’s invention became popular, a group of Victorian doctors who specialised in treating the condition known as “female hysteria” discovered that they could use the device to shorten the time it took to perform a so-called pelvic massage on their numerous female patients. Actually it became the most utilised device after the stethoscope until the late 1920’s. It seemed to work as well; the doctors reported that their female hysteria patients became much less stressed and appeared to be more content after the treatment. After this success, the vibrator became a popular household tool advertised and sold under names such as  the “massager” or “manipulator”. Homemakers bought them and had them on display in their homes and they were considered just as ordinary to own as a vacuum cleaner or the sewing machine.

So, when did the view on this once respectable device change? When did it go from being a praised revolutionary invention to a simple and vulgar sex-toy that no one admits owning? Welcome to an evening where we present the interesting history of the vibrator.



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SKU: Vibrator Category: Subculture




Lena Brennand

Speaker: Lena Heide-Brennand

Lena Schattenherz Heide-Brennand is a Norwegian lecturer who holds a master’s degree in language, culture, and literature. She has been lecturing and teaching various subjects since 1998. Her field of interest and focus has always been topics that others consider strange, eccentric, and eerie, and she has specialised in a variety of dark subjects linked to folklore, mythology and Victorian traditions and medicine. Her students and audience often point out her thorough knowledge about the subjects she is teaching and lecturing, in addition to her charismatic appearance. She has worked as a curator and lecturer for the famous London based Last Tuesday Society and Viktor Wynd Museum for Fine Art and Unnatural History since 2021 and holds the all-time record in the museum’s history with more than 21000 interests on her online lecture on Erotic Folktales in 2022. She refers to herself as a performance lecturer and always gives her audience an outstanding experience.

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