The Birth of Sol: Celebrating Solstice & Re-Enchantment Across the Globe

The Birth of Sol: Celebrating Solstice & Re-Enchantment Across the Globe

In the depths of the darkest, longest night of the year a spark of new life brings the promise of lighter days and the infant sun is welcomed back to the world from the rocky crags of the Scottish Highlands to the secluded valleys of North Western Pakistan. Solstice celebrations span centuries, join us as we journey across hemispheres to seek sacred light in the dark and connect with our rediscovery of what exactly makes the winter season magical. In this talk we shall be exploring winter solstice traditions and touching upon the universal connectivity of light in the darkest months, from Yule, Chanukah, Christmas, Krampusnacht, Twelfth Night and New Years Eve, our fascination with our greatest source of light and life is intimately connected with folktale, myth and mystery that aims to understand what it is to be human in the midst of darkness.

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Jordana Belaiche, occult expert, speaker at LEVEL
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Jordana Belaiche is a writer, director and dramaturg based in London. Her work centres on class and gender, she has a love of folklore, witchcraft and the occult and is well versed in all things uncanny. She is the author of two full length plays and several short stories. Find more of her projects and work through.

IG: @donttellthevillageelders

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