We will explore how being on the wrong side of the war, impacted German artists' perceptions of identity and nationality, as well as their active struggle to create a better future.
Video Category: Visual art
Environmental Art: An Earth Day Talk
To coincide with Earth Month, we will be looking at artists who have been inspired by Nature when creating their sculptures, installations and paintings, but also those who have incorporated elements of the world around them, physically in their art works.
Astrology and the Renaissance World View
Using texts and sources spanning across literature, drama and contemporary politics, in this talk we explore the importance of Astrology to the Renaissance World View and what implications it may have for our own renewed interest in astrology.
Taking the Abstract Out of Abstract Art
In this session Art Historian, Bojana Popovic, will discuss some of the most important paintings of the 20th century and try to offer an insight into works of art that can, at times, seem inaccessible or daunting.
Artist in Focus: Francis Bacon
Spanning his entire 50-year career, we will explore how Francis Bacon developed his unique approach to the human form.
Theatre and Utopia: Imagining Better Worlds
In this talk we explore the ways in which Utopia and Utopian ideals have been presented in performance and ask what the impact and effect of such performances has had upon us.
Art as Political Protest
Our particular focus will be on the aftermath of World War II and how some contemporary artists still find themselves working in a ‘post-war’ era.
I’m Dreaming of a Weird Christmas: a Festive Feast of Fracked Up Films
Join cult film expert and trash movie aficionado Gavin Baddeley, as he beckons us to venture past the tinsel of Tinseltown, to investigate the dark underbelly of Hollywood's obsession with Christmas, unwrapping the forgotten films that put the X-Rated into Xmas and the ho ho ho into horror
Freedom of Expression: Art vs Mass Media
In this session we will primarily focus on the careers of two major artists who made a huge impact on art in the second half of the 20th century – Gerhard Richter and Andy Warhol.
Contemporary African Art
The focus of this session will be to look at artists who draw inspiration from their roots and ancestry whether it be their own personal histories relating to Africa, or their observation of the appropriation of African culture by the Western societies they are a part of today.