Video Category: Visual art

Georg Baselitz

Art as Political Protest

Our particular focus will be on the aftermath of World War II and how some contemporary artists still find themselves working in a ‘post-war’ era.

Painting my Michael Armitage, African artis

Contemporary African Art

The focus of this session will be to look at artists who draw inspiration from their roots and ancestry whether it be their own personal histories relating to Africa, or their observation of the appropriation of African culture by the Western societies they are a part of today.

Artist in Focus: Paula Rego

Artist in Focus: Paula Rego

Rego’s art is undoubtedly characterised by her incredible ability to create captivating narratives that often evoke fairytales or dreams, but we will see how she equally uses her art to push important socio-political messages to the frontline. 

Floral painting by Cuban artist Tomas Esson

Cuban Art IV: The Cuban Renaissance

This lecture will look at the period directly after the quinquenio gris and the way in which economic stability gave way to a Cuban artistic renaissance from the late 1970s until 1989.
