In this talk we will explore how artists' works document their times while continuing to resonate with us in the present.
Project Category: Social Activism
Idols, Icons and Stars: Exploring Visual Activism Across Film and Media
In this talk we will discuss our cultural idols, who we fall in love with: fictional characters in films, as well as, the artists who shape those roles.
Rebel Flags and Reactionary Politics: The Power of Narrative
This lecture is going to explore the history and legacy of Confederate flag which demonstrate the power of narrative and popular culture.
The future of work – is paid work inevitable?
With advancements in technology and automation, there have been discussions about the potential for a post-scarcity economy where basic needs can be met without traditional paid work. Is this inevitable?
Homeownership: the rise and fall of public housing
Many countries around the world are now facing serious housing crises where younger generations cannot afford any longer to either rent or buy apartments. What are the driver and consequences of the success of an homeownership ideology? How has it increased social inequalities and segregation?
Blood, Guts and Implants: The Role of the Body in Performance Art
The human body in performance art serves as a living canvas and vehicle for profound artistic expression. This talk presents artists who push their bodies to extreme places in the name of art and experimentation; they harness the power of their bodies to communicate narratives, evoke emotions, challenge societal norms, and question the very essence of human existence.
Addressing Dispersal: Repatriation, Restitution and Tracing Looted Tiles from Islamic Monuments
The subject of colonial-era violence, looting and removal of cultural heritage is a timely. The aim of this talk is to use a couple of related case studies to lay out a framework that could work for all stakeholders, to allow them to come together and address the range of related issues, some ways forward, and how to create a meaningful dialogue that transcends the range of different views on the subject.
Matter Matters? Contemporary Art on Materialism
This session we will take a look at a broad range of Contemporary artists who, in their own ways, question the world they live in and draw attention to some of the key issues in our society right now. We will see examples of paintings, street art and monumental land sculptures by some of the key figures of Contemporary Art.
Not (HIV) Negative: Visual Representation and Viral Responsibilisation
In this talk, drawing on 20 interviews with people living with HIV during COVID-19, I suggest that creative methods can reframe how viral blame is represented and reproduced by the media, alongside whether the positive/negative binary should be rejected altogether.
Beautiful Images of Global Issues: commercial aesthetics in contemporary culture
Can beautiful images illustrate dire human situations? Can one separate the content of the image from its form to fully appreciate it? With a focus on mainstream images of human migrations, this talk discusses the contemporary commercial aesthetics that influence all visual fields from interior design to fashion and makeup.