Author: thedifferentlevel (inna Didenko)

Bojana Popovic

An Interview with Art Historian Bojana Popovic

We are excited to invite you for an open interview with art historian - Bojana Popovic. Do you ever wonder which galleries you should visit when traveling abroad? Would you like to observe a sale in an auction house but not sure how to join? Would you be interested to learn about private galleries? Join our informal conversation with Bojana and use this exclusive opportunity to ask your questions.

critical thinking

Critical Thinking and Success

We look up to successful people and try to imitate, learn from their innovations, and apply some of the concepts they found valuable. But the truth is that there are no 100 % sure recipes for success. Most of the successful people are driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, which combines critical thinking, curiosity, passion, and creativity.  

January 4, 2023January 4, 2023

Poetry Reading: Success & Failure

In collaboration with Book Club Bunch we are excited to invite you to our next poetry reading evening! Join us as we delve into literary works and enjoy masterpieces read out loud by amazing actor - Matthew Peter Carter! 

social media

Success and Failure in the Representation of the Self in the Age of Social Media

People feel the urge to share on social media the happiest moments and the saddest circumstances of their lives, their successes and their failures, and they do so constantly. Often, this has dramatic social and psychological repercussions (anxiety, depression, and solitude) as well as historical and political consequences (elections, democracy, and the role of
truth(s) in society).

Thai traditional mask

Emotions as Cultural Phenomena

Art is an important means for society to express its beliefs and send messages. All messages transmitted inside a definite society through school, family, friends and unknown people shape our emotional behavior in everyday life. The result cannot be categorized as good or bad, but just different. And diversity is the best word to describe this world, a world that welcomes the beauty of being different.  

December 14, 2022December 14, 2022