Author: thedifferentlevel (inna Didenko)

modern hero

Shaping heroism, a concept between myth and reality

The concept of heroism has been in the attention of artists, philosophers, and writers since ancient times. Models of virtues, perfection, and beauty, heroes and heroines have inspired people and remained in humanity’s memory for centuries. But how does the modern days hero look like?

December 2, 2022December 2, 2022

Underground yesterday and Underground tomorrow 

Underground culture linked under the same umbrella artists, philosophers, writers, or journalists who rebelled against the mainstream views to promote their own ideas. Their alternative approach towards the social norms differentiated them from the rest of the crowd and, for many of them, meant attracting loyal followers under the name of secret movements or spirit.

November 21, 2022November 21, 2022
architectural exclusion

Architecture, a tool for human segregation

In the last 50 years, scholars preoccupied with the issue of segregation have investigated in depth major factors that lead to people’s separation. New interpretations of how humans use architecture and urban construction tactics have shifted. Architecture intends to create for people an organized place to live but also succeeds in establishing limits with a powerful psychological impact.

November 1, 2022November 1, 2022

Hermits – a place in the modern society

New generations are more preoccupied with the planet’s health, ecology and how pollution and stress are affecting our life quality. In a way, choosing to live today like a hermit in remote areas shows a burning desire of discovering a truth. This similarity with ancient hermits confirms that out there there must be a truth that will give meaning to our lives on Earth and enables us to move forward.

October 26, 2022November 1, 2022

Hippies – A Generation to Remember

We often question our lifestyle to find answers related to who we are and what is the meaning of our short presence in this world. One famous generation born just after WWII dared to stand aside and defy society. These are the exhilarating and transforming years dominated by the hippie movement. 

October 3, 2022October 3, 2022