Each event we will centre around a new symbol: we will learn its meaning, discuss a poem about it, meditate and experience the power of the concept through a calligraphy practice. During the short meditation you will be invited to a moment of alignment between your body and soul, to find a channel through which you can listen to your inner voice. This approach helps to concentrate and sense the power of now. This time we will focus on character KEI and explore The art of Respect.
Project Category: Traditions and Beliefs Events
Creatures of the Night: An Unnatural History of Monsters
We will dissect some of our most iconic creatures of the night - vampires, zombies, the Frankenstein Monster etc. - showing how they evolved, from arcane folklore to Hollywood pop culture, and beyond.
Kintsugi: Japanese Art of Repair and Healing
Japanese Kintsugi is not only about mending our broken ceramic objects with gold, but it has a more profound meaning. Kintsugi helps us to develop more compassion towards ourselves and others and learn how to appreciate broken pieces of our lives.
The story of four generations – culture changes in China
Significant changes occurred in China over the past 40 years since it's opening up reform. How does that impact on the life and values of each generation? This lecture explores the similarities and differences of four generations in China and aims to provide an overall review of the challenges and opportunities each generation faces.
Japanese Culture: Bushido Code of Conduct and Tips for a Modern Samurai
Referring to Japanese wisdom of Samurai has been insightful to approach modern battlefields. The conduct of self discipline and respectful, ethical behaviour was to become the role model behaviour for modern lifestyle. We will learn 7 key values that remainrelevant till today.
The Language of the Hand: Poetic Imagery in Arabic Calligraphy
The art of calligraphy, or of beautiful writing, plays a very special role in the Islamicate world. Through a selection of poems, wise sayings, and visuals, this lecture aims to provide a window into the beauty of this living art form through the poetic imaginary.
The Art of Arab Dress
A new talk dedicated to the exploration of regional culture and heritage through learning about traditional women's clothing in the Arab world
Exploring Chinese New Year and Culture Through Symbols & Traditions
This talk is dedicated to Chinese symbols, especially those associated with the New Year festivities, their history and meaning.
The Birth of Sol: Celebrating Solstice & Re-Enchantment Across the Globe
In this talk we will explore winter solstice traditions and universal connectivity of light in the darkest months, from Yule, Chanukah, Christmas, Krampusnacht, Twelfth Night, New Years Eve.
Philosophy in a Tea Cup: an ancient art of Japanese tea ceremony
Join us for this fascinating talk and learn how a simple act like tea making can help you to slow down, absorb the imperfection of what is in life and take a moment to rebuild your own sense of balance.