Author: thedifferentlevel (inna Didenko)

Wifredo Lam

Wifredo Lam: the Cuban Picasso

Wifredo Lam is one of the most eminent Cuban artists. His works reflect on the spiritual side of Cuban life and myths particularly connected to the African-inhabited area of Santeria and its many rituals. His works redefined the Western idea of “primitive” art, turning it into a narrative about the complex Cuban history of oppression and struggle.

September 20, 2021June 13, 2022
Artist in Focus: Paula Rego

Artist in Focus: Paula Rego

Paula Rego's art is undoubtedly characterised by her incredible ability to create captivating narratives that often evoke fairytales or dreams, but in this talk we will see how she equally uses her art to push important socio-political messages to the frontline. 

Japanese calligraphy, Kyoto

The Mesmerising Art of Japanese Calligraphy

Japanese calligraphy is an essential part of the country’s culture. Children in Japan learn calligraphy in school, and apply it on numerous occasions in everyday life. Unlike its Chinese counterpart, Japanese calligraphy places the biggest emphasis on the order of strokes that compose the characters and the approach to writing overall.

August 23, 2021June 13, 2022
Amelia Pelaez

Cuban Art: Pre-revolutionary Art Movements

Cuban art closely followed the turbulent history of Cuba. As political and social conditions changed, so did the art and culture of the country. Incredibly versatile and diverse, Cuban art encompasses colonial iconography, European Cubism and Impressionism, Mexican muralism, and African and North American elements.

August 10, 2021June 13, 2022