Author: thedifferentlevel (inna Didenko)

Iranian cinematography

Signs, Symbols and Cinema: Iran after 1979

We’ll begin our talk first by contextualising the state-sponsored censorship of Iranian cinema: what are its rules and regulations? What kinds of constraints do filmmakers face? From there, we discuss how filmmakers have turned to visuals, symbols, and signs to bring their message and stories to the screen.

Japanese Calligraphy – suspicion

Japanese Calligraphy – suspicion

The allure of "kai" lies in its ability to blur the boundaries between the known and the otherworldly, inviting contemplation of the unseen forces that shape human experience. "Kai" not only sparks curiosity but also serves as a reminder of the profound respect for nature and the acknowledgment of forces beyond human control.

The Fear of the Future 

The Fear of the Future 

Throughout history, artists have used their talents to convey their emotions, observations, and anxieties about the world around them. Their creations captured the effects of climate change on the natural world, serving as a warning and a call to action.

November 2, 2023November 2, 2023