Author: thedifferentlevel (inna Didenko)

Depictions of the Devil in Arts

Ever since the creation of the Bible, the Devil has been a figure that fascinates people and artists alike. In this blog post, we'll present the ways the portrayals of the Devil changed from the ancient mosaics to modern films and TV shows.

February 28, 2022June 13, 2022
Poetry Reading Pop-up: Women and Femininity

Poetry Reading Pop-up: Women and Femininity

In March we will dedicate our event to Women and Femininity and examine range of poetry from the1600s to the present day considering what it is to be a woman;  the false representation of women by men; the celebration of female character beyond the collective expectation; and the idea of traversing gender.

Witchcraft and the Early Modern Satan

Witchcraft and the Early Modern Satan

In the second of his talks on the Devil, Gavin Baddeley discusses the post-medieval period. Europe was convulsed with barbaric violence. Countless people were brutalised and often burnt alive during ‘the Witch Craze’. In our talk, Gavin focuses on the oft overlooked Satanic aspect of the phenomenon, before examining some of the other colourful individuals accused of being in league with Lucifer.

Magic Mountains - art by Ugo Rondinone, colorful stone sculptures in Nevada desert

Environmental Art Events

The world has a lot of environmental challenges. Pollution, waste, overconsumption, climate change are just some of the problems affecting our planet and urging people to rethink their lifestyle and artists to rethink their art. As a result, more and more artists are creating environmental art that raises awareness and offers answers to some of the environmental issues we are facing today.

February 18, 2022June 13, 2022